Created under the aegis of the Barcelona Convention, SPAMIs (Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance) are coastal, marine and/or open sea areas that are of particular importance for the conservation of Mediterranean biological diversity.
SPAMIs are thus intended to serve as models for other marine and coastal protected areas in the Mediterranean.
On May 20, SPA/RAC, in association with the Permanent Secretariat of the Pelagos Agreement and the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, will celebrate the DAY OF THE SPECIALLY PROTECTED AREAS OF MEDITERRANEAN IMPORTANCE in Monaco.
Among the 8 marine protected areas that The MedFund supports to date, 5 are SPAMIs:
- Karaburun Sazan National Park in Albania
- Al Hoceima National Park in Morocco
- the Galite Archipelago,
- the Kneiss Islands and
- the Zembra and Zembretta National Park in Tunisia.
By committing 1.6 million euros over the next 5 years, The MedFund contributes to the financing of essential activities for the protection of these natural areas. It thus contributes to the preservation of marine and coastal ecosystems and the populations that depend on them.
The MedFund is financially supported by the Government of Monaco, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), the French development agency (AFD) and the MAVA Foundation.
For more information, visit the SPA/RAC website.