At the core of MPAs’activities
The MedFund finances the organizations in charge of the management of marine protected areas (local NGOs, national agencies) and supports the implementation of concrete activities that are essential to the management of these natural spaces, such as:

The implementation of management plans, documents defining for each MPA a precise framework of intervention

A shared governance that actively and regularly engages the authorities, economic actors, civil society and local communities

Qualified human resources in the field: The MedFund supports the men and women who work in MPAs and encourages the training and capacity of teams and appropriate equipment, well-maintained and secure, necessary for the work of the teams

Environmental education and awareness on sustainable activities that contribute to the development of local initiatives with high added value: ecotourism, sustainable fisheries

High-quality scientific monitoring that allows managers to assess the state of health of ecosystems, to take relevant decisions according to the local context, to evaluate their effectiveness and promote their results

A high level of surveillance that guarantees the application of regulations ensuring the conservation of the marine environment
By strengthening the management of existing MPAs and the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources, the initiative contributes to the protection of some of the the most sensitive marine areas in the Mediterranean basin.
Highly Protected Mediterranean Initiative
Guided by science and encouraged by the commitments of several countries to increase the number of highly protected MPAs in the Mediterranean, the MedFund Board of Directors decided in July 2021 to create a new window dedicated to MPAs with a high level of protection called the Highly Protected Mediterranean Initiative.
The MAVA Foundation, which has been involved for many years in the protection of nature in the Mediterranean, has decided to support this initiative with 2 million Swiss francs (1.8 M€), thus becoming the first partner to join this window.
In 2020, only 0.23% of the Mediterranean is fully or highly protected. The MPA Guide developed by Grorud-Colvert et al. points to fully or highly protected areas as having the greatest likelihood of achieving biodiverse and healthy ecosystems, once the MPA is implemented or actively managed.

Overview of
our actions in the Mediterranean
MPAs granted by The MedFund
Assessment of
MPAs’ management effectiveness
In order to monitor the impact of the funding granted, The MedFund uses indicators of management effectiveness and efficiency of the financed MPAs. A dashboard is prepared for each MPA to monitor and to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions implemented. It is structured into three main sections:

- The management context, i.e. the elements more or less favourable to effective and efficient management: legislation and policy, management planning, governance, available human and financial resources.
- The management effectiveness: indicators of processes and achievements of management activities such as monitoring, activities for the conservation of habitats or populations, management of activities (fishing, tourism, etc.) and activities dedicated to limit the pressures on conservation targets, restoration, ecological and socio-economic monitoring.
- The management efficiency (result and impact indicators): changes in the status of conservation targets, fishery resources, socio-economic benefits for local populations, strengthening governance and partnerships, etc.
For each MPA
Three conservation targets are selected – It could be emblematic species or habitats that are under pressure in the MPA. They will be the subject of special long-term monitoring. An initial baseline is established and scientific indicators are monitored over time.
The assessment is completed online via a set of indicators that attributes a score of 0 to 100% for each category of the tool.
This allows MPAs to identify areas for improvement and adapt their management activities.
For any claims or complaints,
please contact us through the contact page.